Thursday, May 31, 2012


This sums up the law of attraction simply! Match the frequency of the reality you want! A Ha! Funny how you can hear something a million times in a million different ways and then one day it all just clicks by hearing it one way. I was ready to hear that today! Thank you universe.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

What you were created to do

I loved this life class featuring Bishop T.D. Jakes. This is one of my favorite a ha! moments. I don't want to mess it up so watch this video, he says it best! If you get a chance watch the whole life class on OWN. It inspired me in so many ways. What is your highest and best use in this world?

Friday, May 25, 2012

A HA! Moment

I got to thinking about my post from the other day...What is the key to keeping a sense of gratitude and open heart amongst the "real life" stuff. We all can agree whether you have one child, three or more(god bless your soul) life gets hectic as a parent. Finding the time to write blog posts or even follow through with a single thought requires strategy. Preparing meals, running errands, making phone calls, cleaning house while juggling the needs, and tears and wants of the little ones is exhausting and stressful. That's the bottom line, no sugar coating there. I racked my brain, tied together some info and something hit me.

The real reason I get so frazzled and lose sight of my inner peace that I work so hard for is..."the picture in my head of how it's supposed to be." Louise Hay, author and spiritual teacher, believes that the word "should" needs to be eliminated from our daily vocabulary. For example, as I'm typing this very post there is an inner voice saying I "should" be doing laundry, I should get my Epicure stuff organized, I should pay the bills, I should be outside enjoying the day....The stress starts to build.

As I am spending time with the kids, so often I am not present because I'm thinking of all the other things I should be doing and there goes all sense of inner peace out the window. I should be more organized like her, I should be having more "date nights," I should be losing weight, I should do more crafts with the kids, I should have more personal time, I should go grocery shopping, my kids should be more tidy, Keenan should be crawling, my husband should...and so forth and so on.

If I could stop "shoulding" all over myself, there would be less stress. This moment just as it is with no shoulds, no judgement, is perfect. I think I need to be fully aware and present more in my every day. How do you do that? Well that's a whole other blog post... But for today I am happy with my new found self awareness. Are the "shoulds" stealing your inner peace?


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I heart iPad

For Mothers Day my hubby A surprised me with my most favorite "thing" I have ever owned, an iPad. I remember Oprah raving about them when they first came out and I believe everyone got one on her favorite things show. I get it now. I am thrilled with how I feel like I have everything I need in the palm of my hand. What am I up to with this little contraption? I have downloaded Justin Biebers new single "turn to you." Proceeds from the single go towards saving Bethesda here in my home town of London, ON. Justin Biebers mother stayed at Bethesda as a teen while she was pregnant with him.

Blogging on this great app called "blogsy"

Sharing photos instantly on instagram

Last night I downloaded an audio meditation by Louise Hay and it helped me fall asleep!

I also found this amazing book on iTunes for my kids by Dr.Wayne Dyer that helps them get in touch with their inner selves in a way that is easy for kids to get. At the end there are questions that get them thinking about stuff like what are their passions and what are ways you can help others.

Sometimes we plug into our gadgets to unplug from our real life but I dont feel that is the case with the iPad. I know it's just a "thing" but it's helped me connect with many of the things I am so passionate about, including my children. We've read books together and played games, we've purchased a few of their favorite songs on iTunes for impromptu dance parties. From music, to reading, writing and even meditating, I am so thrilled and I recommend the iPad whole heartedly.


Monday, May 21, 2012

Good Morning


It's a beautiful morning on this holiday Monday in May. I sit on my back patio sipping coffee listening to the birds chirp and baby K is chirping too! Once the summer weather arrives I like to spend my mornings this way. I am filled with pure gratitude for the gentle breeze....K's baby babble...strong coffee. I've always been a morning person, there's such a strong sense of possibility as the day first breaks. I get the feeling that anything could happen today if my heart is open and grateful.

As the day progresses, and I get demands from the critters, the laundry pile makes its demands calls to make...errands to run...the door of possibility slowly starts to shut....I hear the kids feet hit the floor and my peaceful morning comes to an end. There's always tomorrow morning. Today I wonder, how do I keep this early morning gratitude and peace for the rest of the day? Can a sense of possibility come out of a day with fighting siblings, fussy babies, laundry piles, cooking, cleaning, phone calls, bills....? Any parents out there who have 3 kids under 6, 4 pets and a husband want to help me out with the answer to this one?

With gratitude,



Sunday, May 6, 2012

Paying it forward

I've been giving a lot of thought about how gratitude is related to giving back.  In following my path towards using my passions for purpose I am very aware of how important it is that I am using my life to help others.   All of us know the joy that is derived from giving. .  When I say "pay" it forward, for those who aren't familiar with this saying, I don't mean signing a cheque!  Pay it forward by giving your time, giving your listening ear, giving the gifts that you were born to share with the world.  It simply feels good when we are sharing a kind word.  Lending a hand.  Making a difference.  Small or "grand"  generosity is why we are all here.  I believe that most of the problems we face most days are directly related to too much focus on our own selves.  If we spent more time thinking "how can I give to someone else?" We would all be happier individuals.       
This is a local news story, not too far from where I live.   It has inspired me this morning to think about ways that I too can "Pay it Forward."
Paying it forward | News | Tillsonburg News#.T6Xt1mIEwvA.facebook

How can you pay it forward today?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Epicure Selections Summer Season

I have been having a great time exploring this whole epicure business.  I have already met some wonderful new people and have been creating some delicious things in the kitchen with my new products.  Summer is quickly approaching and with that the launch of epicure selections new summer catalogue that was just released to customers this week!  There are tons of great products for grilling and summer entertaining.  I am excited to share the new products like the garlicky dill topper and montreal chicken seasoning at a tasting party I'm having next week.

One of the recipes I'm looking forward to preparing for my summer tasting parties are the Epicure’s Bailey’s® Ice Pops

1 pkg Epicure’s What’s for Dessert? Chocolate Pudding in an Instant Mix

1 3/4 cups (430 ml) cold milk

1/4 cup (60 ml) Bailey’s® Irish Cream


1. Prepare Chocolate Pudding according to package directions, substituting Bailey’s® Irish Cream for 1/4 cup (60 ml) of milk.

2. Pour into Epicure’s Ice Pop Mold and freeze for 4 hours.

Visit to shop online, check out the monthly specials and get new recipe ideas.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thank You Game!

Unleash the power of your own gratitude, and gratitude is contagious! Watch your thank-you spread across the world with Oprah's new Thank-You game. Who will you say thank you to first?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tony Robbin's Emotional Flood

'Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.'

-Melody Beady

When Oprah visited Toronto a couple weeks ago there were two shows done that day.  The show in the morning that I didn't attend was all about the art of gratitude.  A friend of mine who was at the show told me about it and she mentioned an exercise called Emotional Flood that Tony Robbins lead the audience through.  She said there wasn't a dry eye in the house.  After watching it this morning and doing the exercise myself here at the computer I see why.  I too experienced a flood of emotions as my heart was filled with gratitude for the birth of my beautiful children and beautiful soulful relationships I have been blessed to have. 

I first read about gratitude when I began my journey towards getting to know my spirit.  Upon reading the book "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach she made it clear that gratitude was the foundation for all of it.  When you watch the video of Tony Robbins, and if you can make the time to be guided through the exercise yourself you can feel the power of gratitude.  Just a snapshot, one activity and all that emotion and gratitude comes flooding to your heart.  Imagine the power of allowing your heart to feel gratitude everyday. What is your heart grateful for?